
Irish Government Grant

Earlier this year we applied for a grant through the Irish Government’s Emigrant Support Programme. In August we were advised that our request was successful. Originally the funds were to be allocated to cover the costs of our Annual Commemoration but due to the necessary scaling back of the event,...

Annual General Meeting

The Committee has set Saturday, November 21st at 2pm as the date for our AGM; we anticipate the format for the meeting will be via Zoom. We are currently working out the Agenda, Nominations and Voting procedures and will email these to you soon. Please consider putting yourself forwards as...

Committee News

The Committee has continued to meet regularly via Zoom since our last face-to-face meeting back in February. There have been some changes to Committee member roles since the election of the 2020 Committee last November. Perry McIntyre announced her resignation in February followed by Richard Reid. Suddenly our numbers were...

Presentation of Famine Memorial Prizes

It was pleasing to be able to present the GIFCC’s Irish Famine Memorial Prizes as follows:- The Irish Famine Memorial History Honours Prize at Macquarie UniversityPresented to: Max BarnettFor his work in the Masters of Research. We are living in a world seemingly in constant crisis in one form or...

Commemoration 2020

In a year when so much has not been possible, it was very rewarding to achieve what we thought might well have been impossible. Being 2020, the 25th anniversary of the formation of the GIFCC, it was extremely gratifying to be able to hold the 2020 Annual Commemoration and Presentation...