
Annual Commemoration

Sunday August 29th The Committee has commenced planning for the Annual Commemoration 2021 to be held at the Memorial at Hyde Park Barracks Museum. At present there are no restrictions on numbers permitted and we hope this will be the case in August. Further details TBC.


GREAT IRISH FAMINE REFUGEE SCHOLARSHIP at Western Sydney University          It is very pleasing to report that 2019 Scholarship winner, Dina Hinna, has graduated in her Bachelor of Engineering (Honours). The graduation took place last Saturday at Western Sydney University. GIFCC congratulates Dina and wishes her every...


Renewals due July 1st As we approach the end of June, it is time to renew your GIFCC Membership. We also encourage anyone to become a member. Memberships are essential for GIFCC’s compliance and to financially support GIFCC to cover its recurring costs (website, insurance, PO Box, etc). Note: Due...


Please consider an end-of-financial-year tax-deductible donation to one or more of our Outreach Programmes as follows:- The Western Sydney University GIF Refugee Scholarship Fund The Mamre Fund BSB: 062 030 Account: 10013868Identifier: Phone number and nameEmail:  Catholic Care Social Services Donation Account: BSB: 067 950 Account: 000040Identifier: GIFCC &...

Refund Policy

GIFCC Inc does not offer refunds of membership fees or any other product except in exceptional circumstances; such circumstances will be determined by the elected committee on receipt of a written request and given due consideration. 

GIFCC Terms and Conditions of Membership

Great Irish Famine Commemoration Committee Inc operates under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 and operates within the GIFCC Constitution and is regulated by the NSW Dept of Fair Trading. MEMBERSHIP “MEMBERSHIP” or “MEMBER” means an individual who has paid the GIFCC’s annual membership fee Annual membership commences on the date...