
Letter from Chair


Dear Members and Supporters,

We are nearly at the end of what has been a torrid year; may we all  be able to enjoy a Happy Christmas and look forward to a better 2021.

Despite the difficulties that Covid-19 brought during 2020, the GIFCC has continued to meet our objectives as best we could.

At the recent AGM (Nov 21st), six committee members stood for re-election. As there were no new nominees, those six people were re-elected un-opposed. The new committee is as follows:-

Chair: Trish Power

Vice-Chair: Eva Millington

Treasurer: Breda Drumgoole

Secretary: Dawn Wong (descendant)

Committee: Joan Leach (descendant) & Janine Heinemann (descendant)

It is pleasing to note that the committee comprises 50% descendants!

While Dawn and Janine have joined the committee in the last 12 months, Trish, Eva, Breda and Joan have all been long-term committee members. 

There remain three (3) vacant positions on the Committee, and I encourage anyone who is interested in supporting the GIFCC to apply to fill one of these positions by contacting Trish via email at:-  Please note, you do not have to reside in Sydney, or even in NSW, but having the ablility to email and Zoom is essential.

It is now 170 years+ since An Gorta Mor; it is the GIFCC’s prime objective to keep the history alive and continue to remember and commemorate the victims of that terrible time in Ireland. 

This continuity is especially significant for everyone with connections to those who perished and to those who survived; these are the living representatives of this shared history and continues as a strong ‘link in the chain’ which exists between Ireland and Australia today.

In Ireland there is enormous interest in Famine History; local Historical Societies and Workhouse groups frequently contact the GIFCC requesting and sharing information and support. [Please see request from Tipperary Town Heritage Group in the newsletter]

The GIFCC has some exciting plans for the coming year and beyond; if you have a ‘wish list’ of what you would like us to include in future planning, we will welcome your input. For the Committee to keep going, we need you to help us build on the achievements of the last 25 years and continue that legacy for future generations.  

The Committee thanks you for your support and looks forwards to your continued support in 2021.

With very best wishes, 
Trish Power