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Participant Info

First Name
Native Place
Not recorded
Age On Arrival
Not recorded
Not recorded
Ship Name
Roman Emperor (Adelaide 1848)
named in Surgeon's report in SA Archives [CSO 1848/1647] as Margaret Taylor; GRG 28/4 cases of destitution: No.1147, 6 July 1854 Mary McFee, 24 years old, Weymouth Street, 2 under 7, 6 years, Rev Haledon, husband killed in Adelaide Steam Mill; he had died 8 May 1854 after falling into the machinery; she had married William Craig McFee on 5 Sep 1853 from 1855 until her death, Margaret McFie conducted a life of crime, running a ‘disorderly’ house of ‘ill-fame’ in Light Square, frequently appearing in the papers, charged with being a prostitute, assaulting others, being drunk, stealing alone or with other ‘females of bad character’, damaging property, riotous behaviour and abusive language, for which she was variously fined or sent to gaol; on 16 Aug 1874, aged 45, she married Watson Cook(e), aged 21 but continued her life of crime aided and abetted by her husband and her children; Margaret died on 9 Jul 1892 at Port Pirie.

Personal Info